Rohit Jayakaran – BroadcastPro Summit KSA | 25 February 2024 | Voco Riyadh, an IHG Hotel – KSA
25 FEBRUARY 2025 / voco Riyadh, an IHG Hotel

Tapping into Saudi Arabia’s Broadcast
and Streaming Market: Effective
Strategies for Growth and Success

Head of Radio | MDLBEAST

Rohit Jayakaran

Rohit Jayakaran is a distinguished professional with over two decades of experience in radio, digital, and technology. He currently holds the position of Head of Radio at MDLBEAST, located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Rohit’s exceptional skills in leadership, artificial intelligence, digital strategy, and advertising have been crucial to his success in the industry.

Before joining MDLBEAST Radio, Rohit contributed his talents to some of the largest media organizations in the Middle East. More than just a professional, he is a visionary who has adeptly adapted to the changing dynamics of radio, digital marketing, and technology. His vast experience, coupled with his capabilities in leadership and strategic planning, establish him as an esteemed speaker and thought leader at broadcast conferences.